about us

About Perk Dental

Perk Dental is the dental clinic of your choice. Excellent treatments, top-level professionals, state-of-the-art technology and profitable financing plans for you, place us in the right selection of our patients. We care for and guide your dental health, with a greater emphasis on prevention that will result in fewer cavities and less periodontal diseases; easier access to care; and shorter treatment time.

We try to convey to our patients a certain attitude towards mental health. Prevention and dental maintenance, lead us to an educational work, together with the procedures that we apply. Our professionals, supported by experience and state-of-the-art technology, will not only solve your teeth with care and aesthetics, but will also guide you to keep them beautiful and healthy.

If you are wondering what new options will exist to solve my dental problem, come to Perk Dental and get updated on new procedures. Dentistry is advancing by leaps and bounds and the problem that you thought had no solution, today we can help you solve it. We serve the entire Florida area with professionalism and excellent patient care.

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Our Mission

Our main mission is to facilitate the life of the patient in the dental field, which due to its importance, is highly intertwined in daily life.

We hope that the population of Florida- to the greatest extent possible- can obtain safe access to their dental health with us, because we offer them accessible treatments, reasonable prices and the best attitude and professionalism of medical specialists in solving oral problems.

Our mission also aims at constant improvement. Due to new technologies, the future of dentistry, this large and rapidly growing field, looks very different than it does today. Incorporating any new technique that appears on the market and putting it at the service of the population is one of our permanent goals.
Approach our medical staff and you will find a world of care and professionalism, ready to serve you.

Perks Dental Cosmetic Dentists

Perk Dental is the clinic of your choice. We are located in 3115 W Columbus Dr, Tampa, FL 33607. We serve all of Florida.

8AM - 6PM
8AM - 6PM
8AM - 6PM
Our Phone : (813) 588-5288
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